Creed Bratton is the lovable enigmatic old man from the hit TV show The Office, known for some of the show’s funniest one-liners. What fewer people know is that Creed also co-founded The Grass Roots, and was a huge rock star in the late sixties and early seventies. For over four years, Creed and I have worked together very closely, traveling and playing shows all over the country, and I’ve been fortunate enough to get a rare glimpse into the real Creed, a passionate, caring, hilarious, and brilliant artist, father (and now grandfather), and friend. I wanted to share the Creed I know with the Indie Playbook audience, so you can truly understand the commitment and sacrifice that goes into building and maintaining a successful career. And Creed’s done it both as a rock star and a successful actor, so listen up as he tells his unique story and drops gems along the way.
11:11 Everybody should go see the world if they can
11:26 Creed’s near death experiences
18:21 Meeting Warren Entner and starting The Grass Roots
21:35 How Creed’s vision and love for his art kept him from quitting during his toughest years
23:44 The moment a Rolling Stones song reenergized Creed when he needed it most
28:50 Why a fear of success can be more frightening than a fear of failure
31:32 What makes Producer Greg Daniels so special
32:28 Creed’s biggest lesson from working with The Office cast
33:39 Creed’s different income streams including
37:45 Why Creed considers Jeff Bridges such a great success
45:58 Creed starts each morning hanging upside down on an inversion table
49:30 How Creed maintains his energy and the benefits of fasting
51:00 Rejuvenating through Transcendental Meditation
53:45 The importance of note taking for high achievers

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